Download Dataset

Terms of use of the Content

Landcare Research has compiled the soils data presented on this site from site observations and measurements taken over many years. The information may not be complete, correct or up to date. We do not accept responsibility for any actions taken in reliance on it or consequences arising from the use of it.

The data you can view and download from this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). This licence allows use and redistribution of the site observation data as long as they are passed along unchanged and whole, with credit to Landcare Research.

The full terms of the licence are available at https:

Among other things, the licence also provides that:

Database Downloads

Download the dataset as a CSV archive

Download the dataset as a SQLite archive

Download the dataset as a MS Access database archive

Layer (Spreadsheet) Downloads for S-map

These layers export data required by the S-map system - for modifications or additions contact Linda Lilburne. Each layer contains data from the selected dataset and all of its child datasets. The ‘thing’ being returned is specified after the dash in the layer’s title. For example Dataset - Sites contains a row for each site in the dataset(s).

Different types of view of the same thing may be provided, for example Dataset - Samples with Spectra Predictions includes spectra derived predictions of soil properties. In most cases other context information (e.g. site/sample IDs, locations and selected soil or horizon properties) are included.

Three types of download are available:

  1. CSV - a spreadsheet view
  2. JSON - exactly the same as 1. but … JSON
  3. GeoJSON - the GIS equivalent of 1 and 2. Can be loaded directly into QGIS and imported using the JSON toolbox in ArcGIS.

Dataset - Details

Basic description of a dataset, including availability of analysis types (e.g. chemistry, physics).

Dataset - Sites

Sites in the dataset. Includes location, NZSC, profile drainage and S-map properties.

Dataset - Samples

Field samples with location and depth information. Also includes site details, NZSC, profile drainage, and basic horizon details. NB because a sample may intersect several horizons horizon details may be presented as a list (CSV) or array (JSON). The lists are order from top horizon down.

Dataset - Samples with Lab Measurements

As per Dataset - Samples with the addition of lab measurements provided as key value pairs with method and unit. This means one record per measurement so a sample will be repeated multiple times.

Dataset - Samples with Spectra Predictions

As per Dataset - Samples with the addition of soil property predictions made by models that process MIR and VisNIR spectra. One column per prediction and therefore one record per sample. Prediction column names take the form {property}_{model}_{model version}, e.g. total carbon predicted by version 1.0.0 of the carbon MIR model is in the column totalC_carbon_MIR_100.

Dataset - Horizons

Basic horizon information. Includes location, depth, designation, NZSC, texture, matrix and mottle colours and mottle abundance. NB matrix and mottle properties are multi-valued so have been aggregated into a list (CSV) or array (JSON); mottle colour and abundance are in sperate columns and while they are presented in order (colour 1, colour 2, … and abundance 1, abundance 2, …) it is possible they may not match ( e.g.colour 1, colour 2, colour 3 and abundance 1, abundance 3).